P-05-862 Tackling school bullying

This petition was submitted by BlowforBradley Campaign having collected 1,463 signatures.

Text of Petition

We believe that bullying in schools is often ignored and the issue is not confronted in too many cases. Schools are required to have an anti bullying policy but too often this is merely a paperwork statement which is not acted upon.


We want the Welsh Assembly to produce a standard bullying framework which is enforceable by law. The after effects of school bullying often affects victims throughout their lives therefore changes are required as the current system is a failure. Schools often fail to record bullying incidents as such for fear of damaging their reputation and victims who speak out often find themselves punished themselves, harming their self esteem even more.


We insist that bullying is recorded and acted upon as such with better recording, cctv, reporting, compulsory parental interaction.


Senedd Constituency and Region